Tuesday, July 12, 2011

So, I'm here, what now?

First things first, Why call myself an 'Imperfectionist'?

Well, how many of us actually remember the people who had their lives sorted out, who were doing things exactly according to the rule book? Life is about the mistakes we make. The wrong, f****d up decisions we take. All the imperfect moments, which made us who we are today. After all, our imperfections define us!

I'm not here to write an autobiography or to explain how my life should have been or would have been. Neither do I treat this blog as my personal diary. I'm here for a simple reason, to pen down what I feel I cannot verbally explain. I'm here to give you a piece of my mind.

And a few promises before I step into this world of blogging and start polluting it:

  • I promise not to kill (and rape) the English language by the use of words like btw, lol, lmao etc etc
  • I promise not to turn this blog into a newspaper's sports page
  • I promise I'll blame someone else for every mistake I've done in my life through this blog; and finally
  • I promise to keep it simple
I read somewhere that "quotes are the best way to end something. Someone else has already said it best. So if you can't top it, steal from them and go out strong." 

"Have no fear of perfection–you’ll never reach it." -Salvador Dali


  1. am happy...u finally started blogging..way to go bro..keep writing.. :)

  2. check this out >>>>>>>>>>> :-) :-D

  3. this is going to be interesting .. ;)

  4. You made the introduction all the more palatable by quoting the unparalleled Dali... <3
