Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The 'Afterlife'..

The life as we know it today, wasn't the same before the reign of the social networking sites. The men were simple beings back then and had, what we used to call it, 'a private life'. But as the empire of the social networking sites (referred to as the "RULERS" hereinafter) kept expanding, their influence kept increasing. The human race started to adapt themselves to the changing times. There were new laws, dictates, rules being added each day. The sole objective of the rulers were to impose the same age-old formula- the divide and rule policy. They, very deliberately, tried to make a human's private life- a social affair! This was a very well calculated step, on their part, as it started causing chain reactions of 'gossip', 'back-bitching', 'exaggeration' etc. This worked on the rulers' advantage as it gave rise to the feeling of REVENGE in the masses. The humans started cyber assault on each other, thus weakening the human ties of trust and dependability. These were the days when the dog was replaced by a laptop as a man's best friend. The rulers had themselves imprinted on every aspect of a human's life, their cell phones, their newspapers, the news channels- everywhere you turn your eyes, you could see the clout of the rulers. 

The historians divide the rule in 3 major phases:
  1. Break of dawn (2003-2004): The rulers started to target the young and the vulnerable human group in the beginning. The teenagers were exploited as they are ever enthusiastic to try something new and hence they fell in the trap of hi5. This ruler couldn't rule for long as it was soon overpowered by its predecessors.
  2. The Rising Sun (2004-2006): The predecessor to hi5, orkut, was much powerful, much more shrewd as a ruler. It targeted one and all. It wanted to bring all of human kind under its influence. Fortunately for the humans, the matured and the intelligent were not duped by it. They were to fall prey to a much bigger hunter.
  3. The Noon (2006-present): The biggest, the most ferocious of the rulers the mankind has seen so far came in the late 2006s. Under the name of facebook, which was learning fast and well under orkut's reign, came forward as the WMD. It almost took complete rule of the human race, excepting the intellectuals, the celebrities, who knew the various faces of the demon. They were the last ray of hope left for the mankind, but even they had to surrender before the might of facebook's younger sister, the ever chirpy, twitter.
This last phase, as the scientists say, has been seen as the last evolutionary process in the homo sapiens. The humans have evolved and no longer are governed by the intellect. The most devastating of the tools used by the rulers are a few simple questions which the humans feel bound to answer because of the evolved brain which lacks the intellect. The questions like "What's on your mind?", "What are you doing?", "What are you up to?" etc have left the humans scampering for answers. They feel bound to answer the questions in a manner as to say what they are experiencing but without anyone actually understanding the deeper meaning. This leaves them in a state of loneliness as the people who understood don't feel like talking about it online (this new technology of conversing on the cyber space has almost made the one-on-one interaction obsolete) and the people who failed to understand the dual nature of the answer feel cheated and alienated themselves. The rulers further introduced a method of interaction through looking at each other's virtual image on the screen. This was a step to counter the physical attraction that humans feel for each other when in close vicinity. This has further weakened the hope of a human uprising. 

The future of the human race rests in the hands of the people who had given birth to this system of Social Networking Sites. They can guide the humans to a world free of the rulers by taking corrective steps. The fate of the humans also lies in YOUR hands. Take this opportunity to free yourself from the shackles of the ruler. Be free and set others of your kind free. Show them the real world which once existed, not only in our memories, but in reality. You have been empowered by this task of setting everyone free.

And remember, "With great powers, comes great responsibilities!" ~ Peter Parker


  1. hardcore facts .. infact , i believe its going to be much bigger than just this .. its gonna turn ugly and more public ... the future truly lies in our hands my friend ..
    well said ..
    cheerzz ..

  2. you have got a new admirer Mr Goyal.. :)

  3. Hard-hitting, pithy, compelling... Something one can't turn a blind eye towards... Great work at striking our generation where it hurts the most, Tinku! :)
