Thursday, August 16, 2012


The great minds have laid down many theories and laws that govern the human nature, the metaphysics, and the everyday life. But, the real question needed to be asked is, is every human being affected by a certain outcome of an event in the same manner? It all comes down to relativity. Every action will have an equal and opposite reaction depending on what we relate it to. Every emotion we feel is felt because of the relation with the person, thing or thought we are discussing. Relativity is the one sole reason for every characteristic in every single person.

Happiness is felt only when we can relate it to some past experience of sorrow, or with a futuristic fear of sadness. Without the opposite feeling, happiness doesn’t hold any meaning individually. We feel happy when we plan to meet a friend after a long time because at that very moment, we feel the sadness of not having met him/her in the last few days or months. We feel happy when we spend time with a close friend because of the fear of parting and the loneliness that will follow. Strength, superiority, absolute power- all these are felt only when we can relate ourselves to someone weak, inferior or powerless. We feel strong after defeating someone in a fight, but that feeling of strength also generates an emotion equal and opposite- the feeling of weakness, if we were to counter someone with superior strength compared to us.

People relate the happenings in their lives with different situations. We feel contentment and gaiety after a hard day’s work, but sometimes, even if we toil all day long, a smile does not appear on our faces. The latter often happens when we relate our hard labour not with what we earned or achieved, but with the time and effort it took for us to achieve it. Heartbreak might lead a person to become a hopeless drunkard, a social outcast- it may also lead a person to become a Casanova, a ladies’ man. It all comes down to what that person relates his loss to.

“When you are courting a nice girl an hour seems like a second. When you sit on a red-hot cinder a second seems like an hour. That's relativity. ~Albert Einstein

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