Friday, May 04, 2012


If one recalls the early days, when life was beyond monetary gains, beyond wealth and the pleasures it can buy you, there was only one motivating factor prevalent in everyone’s life – satisfaction provided by the work they do, to feel important through their hard work, to feel appreciated, to be praised. Then came the advent of capitalism, the all-important factor in everyone’s life became not the need to satisfy the self by what they do, but by the quantum of money they earn. Hence, hard work was lost in the rat race. Instead of providing the best one can give, people aim at providing the most profitable they can. We pull down one another to exceed, we don’t push ourselves up any more. We are lost in the misleading world which only knows how to slow your progress for its own good. 

The satisfaction of a congratulating hand on the shoulder, patting your success and hard work; the ecstatic feeling which a few words of praise bring to the heart; the ‘well done’ and the ‘keep it up’ which motivates you; the look of faith and confidence in the eyes of your parents. No amount of money or assets can compete with the joy which these human emotions bring. A pay-raise or a token of appreciation in kind always seem the easy way out to the bosses. But the applauses in front of the colleagues are what are remembered life-long. 

But are we ever truly satisfied? Do we ever feel that what we have made of our lives, what we have achieved, what we have sacrificed, is enough? We keep running, we keep lying, we keep pulling others down and we keep complaining. But these are also the things which keep us going. It is the biggest irony of life. If we look closer, we work to achieve a mirage, as soon as we get close to our goals; we set them farther, higher and start working harder. We crave for satisfaction because we know we will not let ourselves to be satisfied. The driving force, the fuel for our engines, the elixir of all our lives – SATISFACTION..!!

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