Friday, May 18, 2012

Legalise Gay Marriage

“Homosexuality: Sexual attraction to people of one’s own sex.” 

This is how Oxford’s Dictionary describes homosexuality. It does not talk about a person’s mental state, societal stand or for that matter, his family background. But whenever we look at a gay person, a boy or a girl, we only tend to think about these aspects. Why have we created so much fuss over an individual’s individual choice about whom he/she wants to spend rest of their life and sleep with? Why do we need to tag them and interfere in their personal lives? 

We live in the 21st century wherein the Supreme Court has given a judgement and has granted the 'right to sleep' as a fundamental right to every citizen of India, but 'right to happiness' still remains a long lost dream. If a person’s happiness lies in marrying a person of the same sex, why does our society have a problem with that? They say that it is against the society’s rule, that marrying people of the same sex is not the natural thing to do. A society in which rapes and cases of molestation are a daily routine, preach about rules against nature? A society in which female foeticide is still a widespread concern, talks about the society’s norms. 

People say that it is an unnatural thing to do because a gay couple can never have babies. Well, in that case, all the infertile couples should be asked to file for divorce. People who have crossed the conceivable age should also be not allowed to marry and the whole idea of family planning and population control should be scrapped. If anything, we should be happy that a gay couple will not contribute to the ever increasing population of our country. There are many unfortunate children at the orphanages that might get a new lease of life through such gay couples. 

Another reason that is given against homosexuality is that a gay marriage is not supported by any religion. Here, I would just like to say that neither is drinking, smoking, gambling, committing crimes, cheating, waging wars and doing drugs permissible in any religion. We simply accept those parts of the religion we want to and happily sacrifice the parts we do not. We adapted so easily to cars after thousands of years of walking. We adapted so easily to air conditioners after years of global warming. We adapted so easily to better medical facilities after having an age span of 30 years for centuries. But we cannot adapt to a fact of life, that some people have different sexual orientation. How is it so hard to comprehend? 

“Not allowing gay marriage isn't gonna stop people from being gay...with that said, why not let people who are gay be happier in their lives?” ~ Unknown

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