Sunday, February 16, 2014

Rainy Sunday Afternoon

After a long one and a half months of wedding management and the extravaganza of events, a restive Sunday was all that was needed; to reboot the mental system which has been running on overdrive for all these days. And as a reward for all the hard work that was put in, the all merciful God made it rain.

There are very few sights more beautiful, than water pouring on the trees, the streets, the houses, the children, and washing away all the stagnancy and the melancholy from the city, that a long dry winter had to offer. People always look forward to the first summer rain, but it is the first spring rain that adds all colours to this otherwise dull world. The black and white, lackluster winter suddenly wakes up to a motley and vivid spring with greener leaves, brighter houses and chirpier birds. The petrichor fills the air; the moist earth is ready to blossom again; the caterpillars come out of their cocoons, magically spreading their wings and taking flight for the first time.

The whole city is awake from its hibernation and ready to welcome spring with open arms. Amidst the sudden outburst of colours, the cacophony of sounds and the myriad of activities, I lay nestled in my den, watching the rain cleansing the city; watching the birds flapping their wet and ruffled wings; watching the clouds overpowering the mighty sun; watching the kids jumping in the puddles; watching the trees sway to the whims of the winds. And I just lie here enervated, with spring thoughts in my mind, watching the world turn a few more shades romantic.

In the Spring, I have counted 136 different kinds of weather inside of 24 hours. ~ Mark Twain

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