Saturday, October 06, 2012


The most common complain I receive is the fact that I have ‘CHANGED’. What is change? How have I changed? I am yet to receive a satisfying answer to these questions. Change is when a person stops being how he had been a short time back in history. But is that not what evolution is all about? That is how you and I came into existence. Change is as important to the universe as gravity, friction or energy. Nothing can exist or continue to exist without change. If I would not have changed, I would still be drinking milk from a bottle and wetting my bed at nights. Change feels good to people around us as long as they are being benefited from the change. The change done for our own well-being often disrupts our relations with others. Relativity, as always, plays the most vital role here.

The definition of friendship would be quite incomplete if an asterisk mark is not given by its side. Friendship: The state of being a friend*

(*provided the person does not change over time. Change: The alteration in the characteristic which risks in affecting the benefits the friend-in-question is receiving.)

Change is what keeps our life moving in the forward direction. The opposite of change is ‘remain’. It makes our life remain where it is. We lose all meaning and purpose.

Of course I have changed over time, everyone has. I am not stubborn enough to let the occurrences in my life leave me unchanged. I adapt, evolve and develop. The things you liked in me were a result of constant change; so keeping all hypocrisy apart, you should still like me for who I am becoming rather than complaining.

“Nothing endures but change.” ~ Diogenes Laërtius

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