Tuesday, July 15, 2014


There are two kinds of people in this world. One- those who can enter into a relationship with ease and comfort, like they were made to be in that particular relationship all their lives and were just searching for the right moment; and two- people like me. Entering into a relationship, for people like me, is like choosing a career after clearing your class 10th examinations. No matter how much you think about it, no matter how sure you think you are; you are bound to regret your decision and want to alter the choice you made after a few hours - or if you’re capable of handling a lot of mental pressure - after a few days.

Yes, I am like that when it comes to commitments – indecisive, fickle-minded and get easily bored. People have huge expectations when it comes to selecting their partners. They want their partners to be rich like Mark Zuckerberg, handsome like George Clooney, funny like George Carlin, romantic like Clark Gable or Shah Rukh Khan and philanthropic like Warren Buffet. Well, I am none of the above. I literally meet not a single of the above mentioned criteria. I do not possess any other special quality like singing, dancing, or playing a musical instrument either. All in all I am the creepy guy who women steer clear of on metros and in cafes.

Now, let us talk of what I look-for in a girl (weirdoes have the right to be selective as well). No, I will not go on about how she should be beautiful, or intelligent, or down-to-earth. I want to focus on the more important characteristics; I want her to be broken. ‘Broke-n’, not in the sense that she should be bankrupt, but broken (repaired or not) emotionally. I instantly connect with people who already have something wrong within them. Who have a scar, waiting to be healed; who have a deep dark pit inside their chest, and they fear falling into that darkness every now and then; who have a constant fear of attachment. I do not say that I can cure such people, but I can feel the pain they go through, and it calms my anxiety and eases my own throbbing pain, in return. 

I want a partner who has been through a heart-break; who knows how much to attach herself to the other person; who knows how much to give and how much to expect in return; who knows the importance of giving the other person their personal space. (I might sound weirder now, but then again, what is life without a few fancies)

But girls do not think this way. For them, relationships are not supposed to be backed by logic. It should be absolutely spontaneous, like a lightning. It should be magical, like a rainbow. The relationship should be fulfilling, like a mid-day monsoon downpour. 

This is all I had to say about this crazy thing which usually evolves into love, or germinates from love – a relationship.


  1. There's a third category - the tumse na ho payega type.

    Muddatein laakh bura chaahe toh kya hota hai, wahi hota hai jo aukaat ke baahar hota hai. ;)

    Good read . "fun" element .

    1. you are the only occupant of that third category... :P
      Thank you!! :)
