Thursday, June 05, 2014

The Forbidden Fruit

Let me remind you about the story of Adam and Eve today. God created a paradise of a garden called Eden. There he created a man, Adam, and a woman, Eve. They were given the duty of protecting a large tree in the middle of the garden. The tree was special as its fruits bore the special knowledge of good and evil for the person who eats it. Adam and Eve were also strictly instructed not to eat any fruit of that tree. Both of them ate from every other tree in the garden but could only dream of the taste of the fruits which were hanging from the magical tree. The forbidden fruit with all its mysteries was the only thought that kept running in their minds. 

And hence, one day Eve decided to defy God’s order and plucked an apple from the tree of knowledge. She called out to Adam and shared the apple with him. And as they were chewing their way through the apple, they realized that it tastes the same as every other fruit in the garden. They were highly disappointed. The next day, they were thrown out of the garden by God for going against his authority. 

Now why I shared this story with you is because this happens in all of our lives. We are enticed towards the forbidden fruit. We break boundaries and ethics to achieve the forbidden fruit. We do it, consciously as well as unconsciously. We are attracted by the forbidden fruit and spend weeks and months, just dreaming about its taste, its texture, its smell. And once we achieve the forbidden fruit, we do not feel the desperate need to have it anymore. We are satiated in just one bite, because it is not forbidden anymore; the only reason why it was so appealing in the first place. 

This is what happens in most of the relationships. If the girl is playing hard to get, or just keeps away from guy since he is creepy. It creates this image of the girl as a forbidden fruit in the guy’s brain. Now he has a desperate need to court you and sweet talk you into getting into a relationship with him. He stops thinking rationally; whether the girl is really compatible with him; whether they have similar way of thinking; whether they will ever be able to give each other the required time and space. He just needs to be with that girl. His mind creates an illusion that this extreme obsession is actually love. The boy does everything to win the girl’s trust and convince her that he actually loves her. 

Then one day, the girl says yes, swept by the immense flow of love and affection between them. That is when she stops being a forbidden fruit for the guy. And now, the boy really opens his eyes and looks at the girl, not as a fruit, but as a human. He starts assessing her behaviour, her likes and dislikes, her ideologies, her small irritating habits et cetera. This is when the boy truly realises that he does not love this girl. And hence begins a long series of small and big fights, a few broken hearts, long nights of crying, a feeling of vacuum forming inside the chest and repulsion towards the other gender. 

So all we need to do is realise which attractions are towards a human, and which are towards a fruit, and we are good to go!

"There is a charm about the forbidden that makes it unspeakably desirable." ~Mark Twain

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