Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Passionate Desires

Late in the night,
With only stars in the sky,
A cool breeze in the air,
Every breath becoming a sigh..

A touch which burns the skin,
Soft whispers burning the desire,
Heartbeats raging like a war-drum,
With every blink it's getting higher..

The smell of her hair and skin,
Lingering so close to me,
Her nails digging in my arms,
Every moment seems an eternity..

The soft kiss upon the lips,
Sudden urge to freeze the time,
Her body arching in my embrace,
Every passing second she becomes mine...

~Saurav Goyal

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Who am I?

Who am I??

This one question, which I keep asking myself, has become the source of both my aenoian misery and perpetual drive to self-discovery. Am I the same person who I see in the pictures adorning the walls of my home or am I the person whose silhouette I see on the reflecting surfaces around me? Am I the person whose stories of distant past, my mother-father, uncles-aunts and brothers-sisters, keep narrating of or am I the person who the poems on the pages of my old hardcover-diary portray? 

When did that chubby, toothless, bald kid in the postcard-pictures of my father’s old family albums grow up to become this cynical, arrogant, narcissist man? I am sure that if you look at those pictures and then look at me, you might not find much resemblance. When did destiny shape my body and my mind to who I am today? Why are there no materialistic evidences of the thought processes and changes that I was going through as a developing child? 

I have no answer to the looming question in my mind. I only know who I was because of the small living proofs all around me. There is no evidence to correlate my present existence to my past actuality. People who claim to know me, only know the person who I was in the past. I change, just like every other living thing on this planet. And it is not always possible to keep in touch with a variable all the time. 

Self-assessment has never been kind to anyone, seldom to people who take themselves in high regard. But my mind does not seem to like the idea of lengthy happiness periods. It keeps asking me the same question of my perpetuity. So, till the time I find the truth behind myself, why don’t you ask yourself the same question. When did you become, you? What moulded you to your present self? 

Who are you? ~ Saurav Goyal

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Men and happiness..

When God was creating humans, he wanted to create simple beings, like other animals, unperturbed by the small changes daily life brings with it. And thus, he started. He was pretty satisfied with what he was doing; and then the devil got to know of this humble act God was doing. Devil, being the life of the party which he is, he convinced God that his society would be as bland and dull as authentic Italian food because of all the simplicity. And hence, God decided to spice things up by adding unwanted ingredients to his otherwise simple world, he added women. 

Women are chemically and mentally opposite to men in almost all aspects of thinking and behaviour. Where men are simple and relaxed, women are rubik’s cube. Men find happiness in small things; women find flaws in all things. Men find cure to all the problems at the bottom of a bottle; women are always so damn sensitive about their bottoms. When a guy is feeling sad, he watches a sport; when a girl is feeling sad, she thinks about all the good things in her life and analyses how things could have been better and thus feels sadder. When a guy wants something, he goes out and gets it; when women want something, they sit and crib how God was unfair by not providing them with it in the first place. Guys know the importance of communication and thus speak out how they feel; girls believe telepathy to be a fair mode of communication. 

It’s fairly simple to make men happy, feed them with good food, give them a comfortable couch, serve them chilled beer, and now and then play some rock music. We do not want expensive stones around our fingers and neck, strangling us. We do not crave for expensive animal skin hanging from our shoulders. We never want the belly fat to move down or upwards. We are content with being alone, as long as we have a remote in our hand, and a gaming console in front of us. We do not care for the strands of hair on our upper-lip. We are unperturbed if our shoes do not match our belt, or if our shirts make us look fat. What makes men happy is the fact that the same pair of jeans can serve us for a month and nobody will be judging us because of that. Happiness comes from the fact, that if one guy does not keep his promise towards us, we do not have trust issues with every other male on the entire planet. We move on. We give life second chances. We keep our faith in humanity alive, even when it gets darn difficult. 

So, women, cheer up and give the friend-zoned guy a chance. Trust other men, like once you trusted the one who broke it. No two people were made the same, so stop generalising. 

“Ah, women. They make the highs higher and the lows more frequent.” ~Friedrich Nietzsche

Saturday, April 19, 2014

What we have become..

Humans we are born,
But animal's the final outcome,
Shadowed by mother's selfless love,
But selfish we become.

So engrossed we were,
In our little world of lies,
That we hardly saw the people,
Standing always by our side.

Desperate for success,
We do anything to win, 
We never think twice,
Even to sacrifice our kin.

This is how we rule the world,
By thinking only of our own,
So don't be surprised tomorrow,
When your death brings none to mourn!

~Saurav Goyal

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Humans - Creatures of Habit

Human beings, the most advanced living species in the world. The things which separate us from the other living beings is our quality to adapt better, the higher intelligence level and the unique individuality which each and every one of us possess. But are we all, truly, one of a kind. We all have a few common attributes which makes us fit to live in a society.

Humans are nothing but creatures of habit. People talk about falling in love and finding “the one”. But there is nothing to prove or measure love scientifically. We basically get habituated with people, animals, things and relationships, and in our constant pursuit of making ourselves feel better about every small and big decision of our lives; we call that feeling of ‘getting used to something’, as love. Humans are intelligent; we know how important it is to be happy, content and more importantly, to keep our self-respect high in our own eyes. And thus, the persistent attempt to pacify our inner self makes us look at all our selfish deeds as something positive and magical. If love was something pure and true which came from within, it would never have been said, that people fall in love. Instead, we would use something more uplifting, like rising in love. The fact that it is called “falling in love” is because we keep lowering our standards till we find someone whom we can fit into our lives, without that person judging us and leaving us for all our selfish acts of self-pacification. There is nobody like “the one”; we simply stop searching for people one day and settle with someone who is ready to settle with us. And just to pacify ourselves, we make believe that the person is “the one”.

It is this same endeavour of freeing ourselves of any guilt of all the wrong-doings of everyday life is why people believe in supernatural powers. The belief may vary; some call it God; some call it the universe; some see a particular spiritual person as the source of all knowledge and powers; for some it their parents; a tree or an animal for others. Whatever be the object of our ultimate fidelity, it is present only to rid us of all our guilt in the moments of worship or meditation. People give charity to religious institutions in order to prove to themselves that they are good human beings.

In reality, we are all self-centred, worse-than-animals, devoid-of-loving, self-obsessed, breathing mass of flesh and brain. The survival of the fittest in today’s world is simply keeping yourself satisfied with the kind of life you choose to live.