Monday, March 31, 2014


Karma is a Hindu belief that has engulfed the whole world into the just system of appraisal and/or punishment. Karma- How your future depends on your present actions. Karma - The path to be taken when taking any decision. Good begets good. Evil begets evil. The simplest of systems, you reap what you sow; and yet, it cannot explain everything that happens in life. Why babies are born still, why small kids go through a lot of misfortune early in their lives?

Most of the people do not understand the concept very clearly. Karma is not about what you did in your past which shapes your future; it is about what you do in the present which redeems you of your past and thereby change the future. Therefore, karma is only about the present, neither future nor past. The decisions we take in the present, the course of action we choose, the kind of people we help - all determines our future, it shapes our future lives. 

Karma in no ways gives you the freedom or the license to cheat, hurt or harm someone else on the pretext that it was that person’s karma. You cannot be hurtful to others intentionally and get away with it; just because you feel they deserve it. We are only a part of the system, not the system ourselves. We are not here to judge others and to serve justice. We are here only to do our part in the best possible way, keeping in mind that somewhere, someone is keeping a ledger of all our deeds.

"How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours" ~Wayne Dyer

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