Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Rail ki patriyan....

इन रेल की पटरियों ने बहुत कुछ देखा है । 

बाड़ भी देखी है, सूखा भी देखा है । 

कश्मीर की वादियों में कुदरत का करिश्मा देखा है । 

और गुजरात की गलियों में इनसानीयत को रूबरू देखा है ।। 

इन रेल की पटरियों ने बहुत कुछ देखा है । 

कभी प्यार पनपते हुए, कभी जान जाते हुए देखा है । 

इसने कितनो को सफ़र में दोस्त बनते देखा है । 

और कितने ही हमलों में दोस्तों को इसपर जान गवाते देखा है ।। 

इन रेल की पटरियों ने बहुत कुछ देखा है । 

सरकारें भी देखी  है, शासन भी देखा है । 

अंग्रेज़ों को देश लूटते हुए देखा है । 

और भगत-आज़ाद को देश के लिए लुट जाते देखा है ।।  

इन रेल की पटरियों ने बहुत कुछ देखा है । 

आज़ादी की जंग भी देखी है, आज़ाद भारत को लड़ते भी देखा है । 

इसने गाँधी को देश पाने के लिए अनशन करते देखा है । 

और अब अन्ना को देश सुधारने के लिए अनशन करते देखा है ।। 

इन रेल की पटरियों ने बहुत कुछ देखा है । 

सरहदें पार कराते कराते, नयी सरहदें बनते देखा है । 

बंगाल को बांग्लादेश बनते देखा है । 

और पँजाब को पाकिस्तान बनते देखा है ।। 

इन रेल की पटरियों ने बहुत कुछ देखा है । 

आँखें मूँदें, सर झुकाएं देखा है । 

इनमे जो ज़ुबान होती तो यह अपनी दास्तान सुनाते । 

किस तरह देश का इतिहास बनते देखा है ।। 

इन रेल की पटरियों ने सब देखा है, सब देखा है ।। 

~ सौरव गोयल 

Monday, January 20, 2014

Masked Men

We all have a me,
Somewhere within ourselves,
Which tries to tear out,
But we let the feeling itch..
It fights, it bites,
It hurts the living lie,
We give in to it sometimes,
When the head is flying high..

It comes out as a surprise,
It fills the heart with might,
We want to be the same,
But the feeling slowly dies..
The outer mask takes over,
The pretensions come back to life,
We are lost withing ourselves again,
We just lost the fight of I..

Such is the world we live in,
A layer of fine line,
It separates the real from the made up,
It's all a part of the big lie..
The I is a strong part of me,
It rebels and it strives,
For short moments that might be,
But it is still somewhere inside..!!

~Saurav Goyal

Thursday, January 02, 2014

New Year Resolutions !!

So it is that time of the year again when we spend thousands on new clothes, to wear it at a party (whose passes also we have bought for thousands), just so we can end up spilling drinks on it. Happy New Year people!!

If you have finished sending “happy new year 2014” texts, images, videos, GIFs et cetera to people whom you don’t like talking to, neither do you ever meet them, “CONGRATULATIONS!!” the cellular networks thank you from the bottom of their hearts. (Blackout days, what an idea Sir ji!)

If you are still suffering from a hangover, I’d suggest you to check out your phone’s gallery, outbox and call history. Your post-drinking, bright ideas to click those selfies (I had to use the word of the year, 2013), sending those ‘I’m missing you’ messages and calling those long lost lovers will help you come out of a hangover and go in a state of regret, shame and taking vows. Talking of vows, a new year is just as incomplete without resolutions, as a new year’s party is without ‘tonight’s gonna be a good night’ and ‘taare gin gin’.
I myself am taking a few resolutions this year and I hope to stick by them. No, these are not the typical ones; I’m bored of breaking them in the 1st week of January itself. These are just a few things the past year has taught me.

  1. I will not join any other new social networking website. I hardly get time between checking Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Tumblr and Pinterest. Sorry, future Zuckerbergs.
  2. I will start listening to likes of Justin Bieber, Miley Cyrus, One Direction. The apparent reason behind this is that I should know how much worse they have gone since I started hating them after their first songs. Plus, it is easier to crack jokes on them if you know the lyrics to their songs!
  3. The number of new people I meet in real life should be more than the number of new followers I get on Twitter and Instagram.
  4. I will actually go on trips after watching movies like Zindagi na milegi dobara and Yeh jawani hai deewani, not just ‘plan’ such trips.
  5. I will invent a new dance step. Watch out Gangnam Style and Harlem Shake.
  6. I will try to be more likeable in general. I will stop making fun of people. I will attend parties I’m invited to. And I will talk to people.

I hope that you stick by your resolutions too. And I hope 2014 is way better than all your past years combined, just like every new Khan movie is better than all the past movies combined. 

"New Year's Resolution: To tolerate fools more gladly, provided this does not encourage them to take up more of my time." ~James Agate