Thursday, February 21, 2013

Terrorism - A national shame

Yet another series of bomb-blasts rock the country. Yet again innocent people of this country lie dead and battered on the streets of a metropolitan city. Yet again the government is unable to provide basic security to its citizens. In spite of the technological advancements in the defence mechanism, the intelligence bureaus, the repeated reminders by terrorist organisations; nothing in this country has changed over the years. The ministers, corrupt and useless as always, live under the secure blanket of Z+ security, while the citizens who elect them and fund their security through their hard earned money by paying taxes, live under the constant threat of losing their lives at the next corner of the road.  

Forget the distant past; if we only look into the last decade, there have been more than 20 bomb blasts in Mumbai and Pune alone, excluding the coordinated attack of 26/11/2008. Then there are the bomb blasts in Delhi, around 10 in the last 10 years. Not to forget the intense gun fight between the Lashkar-e-Taiba militants and the Indian police in Ayodhya in 2005 and the series of bomb blasts in Varanasi in 2006 and 2010. A series of explosions also rocked the garden city, Bengaluru, in 2005 and 2008.

The list is never-exhausting; these are only the number of blasts. The number of people who lost their lives is huge. The only mistake these people did was to get birth in a country where human lives are neither valued, nor respected by its ministers and government.

The blasts which took place today in Hyderabad are a cold reminder that we are still not safe in our own country. These terrorists hit at will, unperturbed by the security agencies of the country or the law of the land. This is a smack in the country’s face which promotes non-violence and brotherhood. It is a smack in every citizen’s face who roam around in their own backyard freely and with a feeling of safety.

The ministers will now come out with a figure in Lakhs to be given to the families of the dead or injured as compensation. A compensation for being born and dying in a country where the ministers are more focussed on filling their pockets than providing security to its citizens. The attacker could have been anyone, Lashkar-e-Taiba, Indian Mujahideen, Taliban, Jaish-e-Mohammad, Jaimat-ul-Mujahideen, Maoists, Al-Qaida. The bottom line is that they live in this country, or enter this country, plot an attack, and roam scot-free the very next day without guilt or remorse. The family members keep the memories of the deceased alive in their hearts forever, thinking that one day the attacker will be punished. That one day the victim’s death will be redeemed when the guilty is hanged to death. But the sad truth is that even if the terrorist is captured, he will be assassinated by his own men, inside the prison; a death which is not enough for such murderers; a death which they do not deserve.

“In India we only read about death, sickness, terrorism, crime.” ~Abdul Kalam

1 comment:

  1. That statement by Abdul Kalam is so true, rape would be an addition to it now...Real shame for the
    so called emerging super power..
