Friday, September 23, 2011

Friends - A complete package

The first memory of life outside the comforts of our home are generally about the preschool. The colourful walls, the tiny round tables, and the tinier chairs with cartoon faces on it. The many crying faces which looked soothing as we could relate so very easily with them. This was the phase when I realised the importance of friends. The first relation which we create independently with strangers in this strange world. The people who stood there when we cried while entering the school, when we fell and bumped our heads and cried even more, and then they laughed in unison picking us up, dusting our shirts and patting our backs. These friends, who were the reason why we felt like celebrating our birthdays, distributing chocolates in class, throwing a party at the house in the evening. 

Friends play the major role in shaping our personality as we grow up. Some teach you to cheat, some teach you to help others cheat. Some teach you to play, some teach you to bunk physical education classes and play the game of love. Some share their lunch with you, some finish away your lunch without even asking you. Some ask you to write notes for them, some ask you to write poems for their partner. Some take the blame on their heads for you, some put the blame on you. Some walk beside you holding hands, some walk right behind you singing love songs. Some stood by you outside the principal's office, some laughed at you sitting in the class rooms. 

Friends will be there by your side, no matter what the reason or occasion be. They'll be there when you exceed and when you fail. They'll be there when you break up and when you patch up. They'll be there when you break your leg and when you break someone else's leg. They'll be there when you play pranks on others and when other play pranks on you. They'll be there at the middle of the night when you're not sleepy and they'll be there in the morning when you need to talk. But still, the best moments are the ones spent fighting. We fight, we break up, then we hit each other and make up. The bond is much stronger than anyone can ever imagine.

Friends- a complete package. I have every kind of a person with me. The playboy, the singer, the dancer, the psychopath, the bouncer, the terrorist, the cameraman, the West Indian, the nerd, the cricketer, the bullet, the gamer, the lover, the preacher and some are just Family. 

"A true friend never gets in your way unless you happen to be going down ~ Arnold H. Glasow "

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