Wednesday, August 24, 2011

A crazy thing called LOVE..

Love- the craziest feeling a person can experience. The loveliest moments spent, whether in solitude or in the company of your love. The feeling in which the sun seems to be replaced by the face of your desired one and the whole world seems to revolve around her. When your smile gets synced with her and the tears flow in unanimity. When the happiest moments are the ones spent in silence, looking deep into each other's eyes, with a smile on the face and a feeling of utmost content in the heart. When the thoughts do not let you sleep at night and the day dreams cannot let you work. 

The heart is the strongest magnet known to the mankind which functions on its own accord. It reaches out and attracts not the most beautiful heart, but the most compatible one. The heart does not have its own pair of eyes and so it only feels the other heart. If we close our eyes and feel someone, we do not find any flaws, we only feel the warmth. So is the case with this lunatic piece of an organ. It does not consider the consequences, or the difficulty in trying to achieve the love back, before attaching itself. The heart has only one simple rule - to find the one which will keep it busy. 

A very famous saying goes like this, "Absence makes the heart grow fonder". With certainty, this is not something I would disagree with. The heart aches in the absence of the love, making the feeling grow more stronger. The absence is felt the strongest at nights, for some reasons which we might not be able to prove scientifically. During such nights, my heart writes:

Wish you were here with me tonight,
your loving hand by my side,
easing me, comforting me,
wiping tears I can, no longer hide..

Wish you were here with me tonight,
the smell of your skin on my shoulder,
getting warmer, our bodies together,
as the night kept getting colder..

Wish you were here with me tonight,
your pristine silhouette nearing me,
the long stares, the quiet talks,
no one around, just you and me..

Wish you were here with me tonight,
holding on to me so tight,
none can change the way I feel, 
just want this to be an endless night..

Love makes you do crazy things- to stay right there beside her, to feel her presence, to see her smile, to lose yourself in her eyes, to hear the sound of her laughter, to read her thoughts, to smell her perfume, to tuck her falling strand of hair behind her ear. Wherever you look, you feel she is there. Your eyes start searching for her even when you know she is not there. Her absence makes you stare at her pictures, reading her old texts, waiting for a "Hi".

Love, whether expressed or unvoiced, is the most beautiful feeling in the world. The feeling of having your own little world. 


  1. Lovely.. Amazing piece.. :)

  2. Love dis thing called love.. i swear saurav d girl whom u love n hopefully who ll fall for u insanely would be very lucky..she ll not get a better romantic than u.. <3
    Bro i love each n every piece of ue writing..
    keep blogging!!

  3. N i love that line.."The heart has only one simple rule - to find the one which will keep it busy."
    heart is really a very dependent organ..always needs to cling to someone..

  4. "Absence makes the heart more fonder" >>>
    "Absence makes the heart GROW fonder".

    otherwise PERFECT !!! <3 <3 <3 <3

  5. i didnt know all dese r cookin in ur head....i thot ur head was full of shit....but dis shit certainly smells good man...
